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Mikrofoni Mesto za one koji vole da pevaju ;)

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Star 18.10.2010, 23:09   #31
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ja ti mogu reći da imam C520 i da ubija kako radi ,verovatno taj c420 nije puno losiji
dok na ruci imas prst ne mora da bude cvrst!
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Star 19.10.2010, 08:47   #32
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Instrumenti: Korg PA 500, Korg TR-61
Interesi: muzika, rad na PC
svirko befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

Evo ovako,

ja imam C520....i prilikom kupovine...dobio sam jedan mali katalog, gdje firma AKG navodi točno koji mikrofon služi za šta, dal je za pjevanje, govoranciju, fitnis, blablablab....samo....s obzirom da sam ja ipak čovac u godinama, trebao bi pronać to, pa ću pokušat skenirat i postavit ovdje.
Bolje bit mrtav pijan, nego mrtav trezan

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Star 19.10.2010, 13:40   #33
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dejanmaksic befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
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ja sam cuo za neki c544 kakav je taj?
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Star 19.10.2010, 19:51   #34
Vredan član društva
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Instrumenti: Roland VA76/Roland Fantom S
hadzidinic befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

C544 je koliko sam video pretezno za govorancije, aerobik, itd... nije za vokale, sto ne znaci da ne moze da sluzi... a evo ti detaljan opis sa sajta..

The C 544 L is a head-worn miniature condenser microphone with a convenient behind-the-neck headband. The microphone has a cardioid polar pattern and therefore “prefers” sounds arriving from the front (from the user’s mouth).
The microphone body containing the condenser transducer is shock mounted on the microphone arm in order to suppress cable and mechanical noise. The microphone arm will place the microphone in front of the corner of your mouth to minimize pop noise and protect the microphone from contamination. The supplied windscreen makes the microphone even less susceptible to wind and pop noise.
A special moisture shield on the microphone capsule makes it difficult for moisture and makeup to penetrate into the microphone. This barrier prevents the microphone sound entries from being clogged by sweat or makeup which would make the sound dull and reduce the sensitivity of the microphone. Therefore, never remove the moisture shield from the microphone.

The C 544 L is a condenser microphone and therefore needs a power supply.
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Star 19.10.2010, 21:27   #35
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Instrumenti: Roland G1000,Roland D70,Korg Le76
trivan befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

Ja imam akg c420 i c555 ali kao sto kolege kazu stalak i kabal,dobar shure mikrofon i resio si problem.Ja sam zadovoljan sa ovim pilotima ali razmisljam da uzmem shure betu.
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Star 20.10.2010, 20:05   #36
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Instrumenti: ima ih vise..
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Zna se zasto i kad "Pilot"...tako da ne razumen tvoj komentar??
"Why there is no such thing as RMS watts or watts RMS' and never has been"
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