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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Allgemeine Smileys
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
;) Blinzeln Blinzeln
:D Großes Lächeln Großes Lächeln
=)) Rotfl Rotfl
:"> Peinlichkeit Peinlichkeit
:lol: LOL LOL
:) Lächeln Lächeln
:( Stirnrunzeln Stirnrunzeln
:confused: verwirrt verwirrt
:mad: Verärgert Verärgert
:p Zunge rausstrecken Zunge rausstrecken
:rolleyes: Augen rollen (sarkastisch) Augen rollen (sarkastisch)
B-) Cool Cool
:-O eek! eek!
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
X( Yahoo 14angry Yahoo 14angry
:-w Yahoo 45waiting Yahoo 45waiting
:-c Yahoo 101call Me Yahoo 101call Me
>:D< Yahoo 06big Hug Yahoo 06big Hug
:O) Yahoo 34clown Yahoo 34clown
[-X Yahoo 68shame On You Yahoo 68shame On You
/:) Yahoo 23raised Eyebrow Yahoo 23raised Eyebrow
~O) Yahoo 57coffee Yahoo 57coffee
=(( Yahoo 12broken Heart Yahoo 12broken Heart
:^o Yahoo 44liar Yahoo 44liar
:)] Yahoo 100on The Phone Yahoo 100on The Phone
;;) Yahoo 05batting Eyelashes Yahoo 05batting Eyelashes
[-( Yahoo 33not Talking Yahoo 33not Talking
:)>- Yahoo 67peace Sign Yahoo 67peace Sign
:| Yahoo 22straight Face Yahoo 22straight Face
%%- Yahoo 54good Luck Yahoo 54good Luck
:* Yahoo 11kiss Yahoo 11kiss
@-) Yahoo 43hypnotized Yahoo 43hypnotized
(*) Yahoo 79star Yahoo 79star
:-$ Yahoo 32don't Tell Anyone Yahoo 32don't Tell Anyone
b-( Yahoo 66feeling Beat Up Yahoo 66feeling Beat Up
:)) Yahoo 21laughing Yahoo 21laughing
@};- Yahoo 53rose Yahoo 53rose
:blushing: Yahoo 09blushing Yahoo 09blushing
:-SS Yahoo 42nailbiting Yahoo 42nailbiting
:-j Yahoo 78oh Go On Yahoo 78oh Go On
:-& Yahoo 31sick Yahoo 31sick
:-" Yahoo 65whistling Yahoo 65whistling
:(( Yahoo 20crying Yahoo 20crying
~:> Yahoo 52chicken Yahoo 52chicken
:green: Yahoo 04big Grin Yahoo 04big Grin
=D> Yahoo 41applause Yahoo 41applause
^:)^ Yahoo 77not Worthy Yahoo 77not Worthy
L-) Yahoo 30loser Yahoo 30loser
$-) Yahoo 64money Eyes Yahoo 64money Eyes
>:) Yahoo 19devil Yahoo 19devil
:(|) Yahoo 51monkey Yahoo 51monkey
%-( Yahoo 107not Listening Yahoo 107not Listening
:winking: Yahoo 03winking Yahoo 03winking
#o Yahoo 40d'oh Yahoo 40d'oh
:-@ Yahoo 76chatterbox Yahoo 76chatterbox
8-| Yahoo 29rolling Eyes Yahoo 29rolling Eyes
[-O< Yahoo 63praying Yahoo 63praying
#:S Yahoo 18whew Yahoo 18whew
3:-O Yahoo 50cow Yahoo 50cow
:-?? Yahoo 106I Don't Know Yahoo 106I Don't Know
:sad: Yahoo 02sad Yahoo 02sad
:? Yahoo 39thinking Yahoo 39thinking
(%) Yahoo 75yin Yang Yahoo 75yin Yang
I-) Yahoo 28sleepy Yahoo 28sleepy
:-L Yahoo 62frustrated Yahoo 62frustrated
:S Yahoo 17worried Yahoo 17worried
:@) Yahoo 49pig Yahoo 49pig
8-> Yahoo 105daydreaming Yahoo 105daydreaming
:happy: Yahoo 01happy Yahoo 01happy
=P~ Yahoo 38drooling Yahoo 38drooling
o-> Yahoo 72hiro Yahoo 72hiro
=; Yahoo 27talk To The Hand Yahoo 27talk To The Hand
>-) Yahoo 61alien Yahoo 61alien
:cool: Yahoo 16cool Yahoo 16cool
<):) Yahoo 48cowboy Yahoo 48cowboy
:-t Yahoo 104time Out Yahoo 104time Out
:P Yahoo 10tongue Yahoo 10tongue
(:| Yahoo 37yawn Yahoo 37yawn
;)) Yahoo 71hee Hee Yahoo 71hee Hee
:B Yahoo 26nerd Yahoo 26nerd
=:) Yahoo 60bug Yahoo 60bug
:surprise: Yahoo 13surprise Yahoo 13surprise
>:P Yahoo 47phbbbbt Yahoo 47phbbbbt
:-h Yahoo 103wave Yahoo 103wave
:x Yahoo 08love Struck Yahoo 08love Struck
<:-P Yahoo 36party Yahoo 36party
>:/ Yahoo 70bring It On Yahoo 70bring It On
O:) Yahoo 25angel Yahoo 25angel
8-X Yahoo 59skull Yahoo 59skull
:> Yahoo 15smug Yahoo 15smug
:-< Yahoo 46sigh Yahoo 46sigh
~X( Yahoo 102at Wits' End Yahoo 102at Wits' End
:-/ Yahoo 07confused Yahoo 07confused
8-} Yahoo 35silly Yahoo 35silly
\:D/ Yahoo 69dancing Yahoo 69dancing
:rotflol: Yahoo 24rolling On The Floor Yahoo 24rolling On The Floor
*-:) Yahoo 58idea Yahoo 58idea

Trenutno vrijeme na Forumu 05:14

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