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Tomy 03.02.2010 16:21

Behringer kupio Midas-a
Ne mozes vjerovati sto se dogadja na trzistu. Strasno sam razocaran.
Prenasam tekst sa jednog sajta:

Behringer Buys Midas

KIDDERMINSTER, UK — The Music Group signed a deal to acquire the Midas and Klark Teknik brands from Bosch Communications Systems. The Music Group owns the Behringer brand as well as a number of other associated companies and is managed by Uli Behringer and Michael Deeb.

The sale of Midas and Klark Teknik is part of an asset deal that was signed on Dec. 8, 2009. The sale is subject to regulatory approval. The terms have not been disclosed.

According to statements released by The Music Group, they plan to retain all 106 employees currently working at Midas and Klark Teknik, the brands will continue to operate independently and the current distribution network (including the recent move to Midas Consoles North America) will remain unchanged.

Robert Mulatz, senior vice president of Bosch Communications Systems, said: “Midas and Klark Teknik have always epitomized the highest possible performance and reliability in the mixing console and signal processing markets. Within the professional audio business of Bosch, this niche market has not been defined as a core business area due to its size and specific requirements. With the Music Group, we believe we have found both the passion and the financial ability needed to grow Midas and Klark Teknik. Of all potential buyers that were screened, we have selected the Music Group as the best fit.”

Uli Behringer, chairman of the Music Group, said: “I am thrilled and honored to join with John Oakley and his team in taking these legendary brands forward. I have immense respect for the dedication to quality, performance and customer service that this team has shown consistently over the years. While we plan to invest considerable resources and support in these brands, we also look forward to learning from the achievements of their engineers and working with them to take Behringer and all of the Music Group brands to a new level.”

Music Group CEO Michael Deeb said, “Midas and Klark Teknik are at the very pinnacle of their market segment. They address a very unique client base and have a different sales channel from our current core business. The brands will continue to operate autonomously under the leadership of John Oakley while benefiting from the synergies of our combined efforts. All brands will take advantage of the Music Group’s extensive resources and industry-leading competencies including product development, lifecycle management, supply chain and logistics."

The final word comes from Alex Cooper, Midas director of console engineering, who said: “For over 20 years I have devoted my life to designing the finest quality audio products possible. It has always been our goal to achieve the very best performance while continuing to broaden our market presence and expand our customer base. I am convinced that working with the Music Group will provide us with advantages that will help us maintain our high standards and grow the business for the long term.”

*** will continue to follow this story as it develops.

Dejan 03.02.2010 16:37

Jos je samo i to trebalo....kakvo razocarenje...

Tomy 03.02.2010 16:53

Svjeza informacija
Vrse se pregovori sa jedni brendom iz iste grupacije koji proizvode zvucnike i zv. kutije.
Ako se radi o istoj grupaciji, onda bi to mogao biti ili DYNACORD ili EV, a koliko se sjecam, vec je bilo komentara na forumu o tome da Dynacord seli proizvodnju u Kinu. To ne mogu potvrditi jer nemam tu informaciju!

Dule Va 03.02.2010 17:05

Mislim da novi vlasnik nece pokvariti kvalitet ali ce verovatno svoje nove skuplje proizvode prodavati pod Midasovim imenom,mnogo ljudi veruje u ime na proizodu Berhinger moze da proizvede jednako kvalitetan uredjaj koga ce retko ko kupiti zato sto na njemu ne pise ime nekog velikog brenda i ako bi cena i kvalitet bili u istom rangu.

Tomy 03.02.2010 17:19

Radi se o tome da Behringer ima jako dobro resenu distribuciju i marketing zato su to napravili. Recimo, kad ja pitam nekog u mom gradu za Midas, nitko ne zna, a kad pitam za Behringer, svi znaju.

Burli 04.02.2010 00:39

Hajde iskreno da mi kažete šta ste u dosadašnjoj karijeri koristili od Midasa pa Vas ova vijest pogađa?

RadeKOKI 04.02.2010 01:25

Pa cemu razocarenje?? Evo kolega Burli je lepo pitao... tako da me nista ne vudi danas, MIDAS ima jedan mixer od 2 soma eura i posle odma od 15 soma tj. ima veliku rupu u ponudi tj u tom rasponu cena izmedju 2000 i tih 15, zatim ne proizvodi i jeftinije serije mixera, power mixere... poput drugih proizvodjaca...tako da taj brend se uzima namenski kome treba kvalitetan mixer za studio ili velike koncerte, fixne instalacije..pa bas zato je i pao u ruke Behringeru koji opet ima raspon cena i kvaliteta od ultra jeftinih do nekih nazovi skupljih modela opreme koji pa zavrsavaju solidno posao za ulozen novac. Pogledajte samo oglase, muzicke kuce nema mesta i ponude da nevidite neki BEHRINGER..svima je dostupan jednostavno su preplavili trzista opremom i napravili pare, tako da ce naj verovatnije jos neka velika kompanija vremenom mozda da padne u njihove ruke, nista me nemoze danas iznenaditi.

Vule 04.02.2010 01:30

Kolega @ Tomy

Moram da vas upozorim na jednu stvar...oko pisanja na stranim jezicima,ima nešto o tome u Pravilniku pa bi vas zamolio da pročitate,da se sad ne opominjemo ovde...hvala na razumevanju

Dejan 04.02.2010 04:03

Ja sam od Midasa koristio...wallpaper na kompu....;)
Sve sto ima veze sa Behringerom,za mene je razocarenje....;)

svirko 04.02.2010 09:30

Nemojte tako gospodo moja:)

Ja baš razgovarao sa jednim trgovcem, u trgovini, u kojoj sam kupio skoro svu opremu, i gdje stvarno su momci ljubazni, i spremni ti sve objasnit i pokazat.
Naime, ja sam se spremao kupiti Behringer EuroPower PMP 3000 i momak mi je rekao mi je ovako:
Kad je Behringer počeo sa proizvodnjom te muzičke opreme, to je bilo katastrofa od nekvalitete.Ali, prerasli su u jedan visoki srednji brend.
Ovih miksera, prodano je na desetke, u tri godine, što manjih, što većih modela, a od te količine......DVA su se vratila na servis, i to ..jedan je pao sa stalka, a drugoga je maznuo malo veći napon....
Ali ljudi još uvjek imaju antipatiju prema Behringeru, upravo radi one početne proizvodnje i škarta.
A i mi smo ljudi, Balkanci takvi....
Onaj tko je počeo svirat na Dynacord, ne vidi ništa više osim Dynacorda, EV kutija, ili Shure mikrofona.
A ima još daleko, daleko dobrih i kutija, i miksera, i mikrofona, osim spomenutih.
A Midas oprema.......skupo ko dragi kamen....al dal je stvarno toliko baš i kvalitetnije.......to je pitanje..

Trenutno vrijeme na Forumu 18:06

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