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Editori ritmova Editori ritmova - Najbolji prijatelj jednog klavijaturiste...

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Star 24.12.2008, 15:08   #1
milanceshow's Avatar
Registrovan/a dana: 02.12.2007
Mjesto: Srbija,Nis-Prokuplje
Postovi: 1.332
Downloads: 538
Uploads: 16
Rekao HVALA: 9
Zahvalili mu 83 puta u 69 Postova
Instrumenti: Roland E80 i FantomG
Interesi: Heklanje....
milanceshow ist zur Zeit noch ein unbeschriebenes Blatt
milanceshow pošalji poruku preko MSN messengera
Standard EMC SW update u februaru 2009

Dobio sam E-mail o novoj dogradnji za SW!
Podvukao sam ono najvaznije za korisnike Korgovih i Yamahinih klavijatura
Ovo je zvanicni E-mail pa ako oni lazu mene,onda ja lazem vas!!!!

EMC Xmas
Special 2008

Dear music enthusiast and EMC customer,

another year has passed by already and particularly in the current economic situation our beloved hobby (and profession for many of us as well) becomes even more important and gives us motivation and energy for our every-day life.
Like any year we therefore offer you our products at very good xmas rates.
Novelties are:
Styles-to-the-Box - this software closes the gap between the widely famous arranger software Band-in-a-Box and the world of the arranger keyboards.
You may now use Band-in-a-Box styles in your keyboard and - vice versa - keyboard styles in Band-in-a-Box.
For Style Works XT users there is plugin available.
Silver Collection - we have made use of our contacts to a former Technics musician and he created and adapted 32 styles for us which convince by their professional quality.
Live-Styler 10 Plus - the accompaniment software for your PC; super as an alternative when you have no access to your keyboard. Works with Yamaha and - thanks to the built-in EMC conversion module also to numerous other style formats.
Style Works XT and Style Factory
Our standard products is continuously being updated and developed. An update for Tyros3 is on schedule for February and we hope also to have a saving function in the generic Korg Pa2X format until then.
All current programs are fully Vista-compatible of course.
In case you own on older version of Style Works (e.g. Style Works 2000) , take the opportunity to update your software now at very good rates!
- e.g. Upgrade Style Works 2000 Yamaha to Style Works XT Yamaha for EUR 90 only!
Style Collections
Apart from the new Silver Collection also the LiveForTheMusic -series from Frankfurt Musik Messe 2007 is still very popular.
Further interesting offers are also our big compilations Power Pack 512 and Mega Pack

Znaci da ce u februaru biti dostupna nadogradnja za SW koja ce obuhvatiti Korg Pa2X i Yamaha Tyros3!
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