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Korg Korg-ovci! Ovo je mesto za vas!

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Star 12.06.2010, 10:51   #11
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kiki_swe befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

ne vule zaboravio sam da je upalim ..... daj bre ljudi stvarno nevidim nigde jel postoji neka slika na netu ??
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Star 12.06.2010, 11:32   #12
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Otvori manual i pogledaj u globalu gde se podešaba SCALE TYPE...moraš malo da se potrudiš

Vidi šta kaže manual o tome( ovo je za sekvencer mod ali je isto i za PRG i COMBI):

Changing the scale
You can specify the scale for each program, for each
timbre in a combination, or for each track of a song
(Sequencer mode).
These settings are made by “Type” in the following
pages, and by “Use Program’s Scale” for a combination
or sequencer.
Here we will show how to make settings in Sequencer
1 Press the [SEQ] key to enter Sequencer mode.
2 Press the [MENU] key, and then press the [F3] key
to select “Prm2” Press the [F8] (“Open”) key.
3 Select the [F1](“Othr..8”) key or the
[F2](“Othr..16”) key.
4 If you wish to use the scale that is specified for the
program used by a track, check the “Use Prog’s
Scale” check box for that track.
Tracks that are not checked will use the scale specified
by Scale “Type.”
5 Set “Type (Song’s Scale)” to select the scale for the
entire currently selected song.
If you wish to keep this setting aft,er the power is
turned off, you must Write the Global settings to

P.S. namerno sam ti stavio text na engleskom zbog komandi,a ako ne znaš engleski reci da prevedem,nije problem?
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Star 12.06.2010, 11:59   #13
Registrovan/a dana: 12.12.2008
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kiki_swe befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

vuleee engleski znam ali covece ja sam video kod jednog decka kako on radi skalu na korg triton le ulazi negde okrene dugme na arabic i to je to al ja neznam gde je to u klavijaturi vi kazete da je u globalu slazem se s"tim ali covece nemogu se snaci...... a ovog decka nemogu nikako dobiti
naso sam hvalaaaaa

Promijenjeno od kiki_swe (13.06.2010 u 15:15 sati) Razlog: Automatski spojeni uzastopni postovi
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